What is OHPSI?

OHPSI is a three-year training program which provides instruction expressly designed for city and county public service supervisors, managers and directors. This program is divided into three one-week sessions focusing on Leadership Development, Service Excellence and Personal Supervisory Skills. These sessions are non-sequential and one may begin the three-year cycle at any time. This program is held each Fall at the Sawmill Creek by Cedar Point Resorts in Huron, Ohio.


OHPSI courses include three one-week sessions, focusing on Leadership Development, Service Excellence and Supervisory Skills. These sessions are non-sequential and one may begin the three-year cycle at any time.
* Some sessions may be subject to change based upon the recommendations of the OHPSI committee.

Focus on Leadership*

Supervisory Do’s and Don’ts
Ethics and Leadership
Generational Differences
Garnering Employee Loyalty and Motivation
How to Lead Successfully through Change
Legal Update
Managing Problem Employees
It’s a Matter of Your Style
Training Techniques and Approaches for Today’s Workforce
Eureka to Action

Personal Supervisory Skills*

Understanding the Budgeting Process
Managing Problem Employees
Using Technology to Manage Time
Legal Update
Managing Lead Positions
Managing the Boss
Successful Communication
Master Time and Stress
Eureka to Action

Service Excellence*

Organizational Culture and Service Excellence
Legal Update
Communication Skills
Business Communication
Maximizing Social Media
Conducting Performance Appraisals
Keys to Employee Development
How to Build Dynamic
Team Cohesiveness
Creating an Action Plan

Ohio Public Service Institute

Sponsors and Committee Members

This exciting new training is brought to you by the following:


Thank you APWA Ohio Chapter Branches!

Committee Members

The committee members invite you to the best leadership training!

Ohio Public Service Institute

Join us for the Best Leadership Training September 28 – October 3, 2025

Sawmill Creek by Cedar Point Resorts
Huron, Ohio

For more information about OHPSI or to register, download the packet. This is one training event you will not want to miss!

OHPSI Lodging Information

Sawmill Creek
by Cedar Point Resorts
400 Sawmill Creek Dr.
Huron, Ohio

Lodging is available at the Sawmill Creek by Cedar Point Resorts at a discounted rate for OHPSI.

To make lodging arrangements, please utilize the instructions on the schedule and information form. 

To pay for individual rooms by credit card, click here.

Is a three-year training program which provides instruction expressly designed for city and county public service supervisors, managers and directors.


To pay by credit card, click here. Please note there is an additional $45.00 convenience fee for credit card payments.